Life is at times so boring, so distasteful, unfulfilling, nothing to write home about, uncomforting, problematic, a shame and everything bad. There are moments when one feels like kicking the bucket, like jumping into the lagoon. I want people in this kind of condition to know that God has not abandoned them. God is forever compassionate and merciful.

No matter how bad your situation may be the antidote is not to give up. In fact the acronym “DON’T GIVE UP” should be a recurring decimal in your psyche.

Be a Peter and not a Judas. Judas by his kiss betrayed Jesus but Peter’s denial was also a form of betrayal. However the difference between Peter and Judas was that Judas gave in to despair and took his life while Peter rather decided not to give up but to embark on perfect sorrow and contrition for sin. In spite of Peter’s denial he still became the head of the apostles. If Judas did not give up his name will still be among the names of the apostles. Among the two thieves that were crucified with Christ , one despaired and even at the dying minute remained obstinate in his evil ways while the other one refused to give up but instead accepted that his ways were evil and not the right way and begged Christ to remember him in his kingdom. Now in spite of the terrible atrocities this criminal might have committed this singular act gained for him Paradise.

My brothers and sisters tough times do not last but tough people do, Don’t loose hope, Don’t give up ,keep on trying.

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