“Just as as a nursing mother cares for her children so we cared for you” 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
Paul served the church in Thessalonia as a nursing mother will care for her children. He loved, fiercely fighting through strong opposition to preach about Jesus. He also worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone.
In this life, we can’t control how others respond to issues, but we can choose to show up, day after day, to serve them in a living and sacrificial way. This is what will please our heavenly Father.
He first loved us before we can say we love Him.
It is His love that drives our good motives to show others His ways.
Beloved of God, few can resist a mother’s love and Paul did confess that his efforts were “not without results”.
As we do so today, may His arms of love uphold us.
Like a mother dutifully watches over her children, God will watch over us today and always. Amen