Rev. Mother (Dr) Rev. Mother Esther Abimbola- Founder, Love of Christ Generation Church. (Pix Credit-Online)

The primary assignment given to any Christian congregations and clerics be it pastors, Reverend Fathers, evangelists, preachers, etc., as they are called is to populate their environment with heavenly-conscious persons who are judged upright in their actions and characters.

 “Go, then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples. (Mathew 28:19, Good News Bible). The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary has two striking definitions of the word “disciple”, 1. “a person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious leader”.2.  “One of the people who followed Jesus Christ and his teachings when he was living on earth”. By the two definitions, a disciple is simply one undergoing training or mentorship to become like his master.

 In this context, the master is Jesus Christ. This implies that the Christian faithful in the various Churches should aim to be like Jesus Christ, just like the early believers, who were first called Christians in Antioch because their actions depicted that of Christ (Acts 11).

Sadly, the Church in Nigeria just like other parts of the world has failed to live up to this expectation of making followers whose lifestyles are modeled after Jesus Christ, upon whom the religion was established. Many Christian congregations are notorious for immorality and neck deep in sin, like Sodom and Gomorrah. However, the White Garment Churches have been singled out and thrown into the dungeon of victimization and discrimination over alleged gross worldliness by their members from top to bottom.

Aside from being allegedly engrossed in sin and worldliness, accusations have been landing on the White Garment Congregations from left, right, and center for worshipping some marine gods, and also failing to modernize certain aspects of their worship.

 To say the least, they are perceived and treated by the other churches especially the Pentecostals as very unserious fellows who are not even qualified to be called Christians, and as such they have nothing to do with them. Adding salt to injury is the fact that they have been victims of bad media publicity.

 Some journalists are not ready to step their feet in White Garment Churches, irrespective of the juicy baits offered. It is as bad as that.

As a child in primary school, I used to worship in a White Garment Church close to my house. Then, my parents who were farmers had settled in a remote community in Abia State, which had a lot of arable lands for agriculture. The church was located a short distance from my house.

Children from within would throng the church, especially on Sundays and some evenings during their evening service. What attracted us to the church was their drumming and prolific dancing involving bending and twisting of the waist, while holding their flowing gowns.

The sounds and tunes from the church were so enticing and irresistible that catches our fancy. My parents had been ardent Catholics, so all members of the family were Catholics. On Sunday, we would go for Mass, but as soon as we returned, I was off to the White Garment Church to dance and enjoy myself with other children.

 We also went there some evenings when they had services. It was indeed a very lovely experience. I never had any negative feelings about the Church. Even sometimes, we joined them in the stream at night to pray and burn candles at the banks of the river, I never sensed anything wrong in the practice.

 For us, it was all about the fun.

However, as time went by, and I came of age, I started witnessing negative energies by the people toward the White Garment Churches. Some said that they worship Mermaid, basing their argument on the siting of many White Garment Churches near water; and their burning of candles and incense at the water.

 The most common is the frequent sighting of people in white garments at the beaches invoking water spirits for deliverance and healing as the case may be. There are lots of such worshippers at the various beaches in Lagos State till today.

Subsequently, songs have been released depicting White Garment Churches as grounds of immorality; where brothers and sisters proceed to fornicate immediately after service; male leaders who live in the church take turns to sleep with female members and their vigils turn into a platform for sexual immorality. While these could still be treated as allegations, there are elements of truth in some of them. These negativities have made it imperative for the White Garment Congregations to truly undergo reforms to start sending positive signals that they are Godly, holy, and heavenly conscious by their practice, actions, and characters, not just in wearing immaculate white gowns, which at a glance differentiate them from others.

 This could be why Rev. Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi will continue to receive accolades from across the globe, for her singular act and dedication toward the sustainable reformation of the White Garment Congregation, not only in Nigeria but the world over.

Rev. Mother Esther played host to the NUJ, Lagos State Council Officials , led by the Chairman, Mr. Adeleye Ajayi , during a Press Conference at the Love of Christ Generation Church Cathedral, Victoria Island, Lagos

A well-educated and rich woman, with a BA in Biblical Theology from Faith Bible College, Sango-Otta as well as other academic honours, the avid theologian and bible scholar who was born and brought up in Mushin, Lagos State, brought her Apostleship spirit to bear by taking up the mountainous task of reforming the White Garment Congregation to align it with the vision of the early Christians who prioritized the love of God and fellow humans over any other and dwelt seriously to the call to holiness and Christian righteousness.

Firstly, she founded the “Love of Christ Generation Church”, which many see as a positive brand ambassador of the White Garment Congregation. Observing their worship sessions shows that the Church is truly Pentecostal, universal, and caring. Another commendable aspect of her reform was the siting of the Church’s Cathedral at the choice area in Victoria Island, in total contrast to the tradition of White Garment Congregations in situating their Churches by the sides of the water. The architectural design, structures, and paintings of the cathedral are by all standards a masterpiece. Interestingly, Rev. Mother Esther’s Love of Christ Generation Church is welcoming and accommodating.

It is open to everyone and newcomers can come putting on footwear and circular clothing. This is in the portrayal of Jesus Christ’s character of making Himself available and accessible for everyone so that they can be saved. Mary Magdalene was a notorious prostitute, yet Jesus brought her close and even made her one of His close friends. Today, Mary Magdalene is being acknowledged as a Saint.

The result of many reforms that Rev. Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi has brought to the White Garment Congregation through her Love of Christ Generation Church, has been massive. Her Church has become so attractive to the members of the public and people of class easily identify with it attending its programmes whenever they are invited. A typical instance is the 2024 Annual Harvest Thanksgiving of the Church on Sunday,8th September,2024 at its Cathedral in Victoria Island, Lagos which was attended by the High and Mighty in the country.

At a Press Conference that had the Chairman of the Nigerian Union of Journalists, NUJ, Lagos State Council, Mr. Adeleye Ajayi in attendance, Rev. Mother Esther disclosed that Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo; Governor of Ogun State, Dapo Abiodun and a host of other powerful Nigerians were billed to grace the Harvest Thanksgiving of the Church, which had the theme “Harvest of Amazing Grace”.

“We are expecting Mama Nike Akande. We are expecting Baba Dapo Abiodun”, said the ever-cheerful Woman of God, who however noted that some of the dignitaries especially state actors expected to grace the occasion traveled abroad for official engagements, hoping they would return before the D-Day.

“Because of travels, some of them are not around. But, as they are coming, they will be joining us. Those that are coming from London, some of them are around already. A lot of them are arriving today, they will do the night vigil with us today (Friday, 6th September 2024)”, she stated.

The Harvest Thanksgiving presented yet another ample opportunity for the Church to spread the love of Jesus Christ among the people. There was a huge provision to feed the poor and it was possible at no cost to the beneficiaries.

This is because, as in previous events, there were free buses at strategic locations across Lagos Metropolis to convey people to the Church and transport them back home.

“Transportation is free. We transport people free; we bring them and take them home for free, and there is going to be free food. Those that are in circular wear, come and worship with us.

 Jesus Christ is one, He is not divided, and that’s our mindset at Love of Christ Generation Church”, assured Rev Mother Esther at the Press Conference.

The woman of God is setting yet another good example in Christendom, by running the Church as a charitable organization, whereby proceeds from the services are being channeled into uplifting the poor. She explained the rationale behind this practice, saying, “Let’s praise Him but let the proceed we realize be used to empower ourselves.

 It is the way forward. For those children whose parents are not capable enough, we are sending them to the universities. When they graduate, poverty is reduced in their families. They will start something”.

Rev. Mother Esther is bringing her philanthropic spirit into ministry, which is aptly in order as “giving” is an integral part of any true disciple of Christ.

As she evangelises Christ across countries and continents, she impacts more lives through her acts of giving to the less privileged. She is reputed to have touched many lives in Nigeria, Ghana, UK, USA, Israel, Turkey, etc.

This particular act of giving has made it quite easier for her to succeed in reforming the White Garment Congregation, spreading and planting churches in different places with the speed of the wind.

Another strong selling point of Mother Esther is her deep understanding, preaching, and teaching of the Word. In her conversation, she never makes two to three sentences without lining them to the word of God, and she quotes accurately the Bible verses or portions that are suitable for the thought line. An in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Bible is not only an asset but also a striking characteristic of an approved Minister of God.

“Do your best to win full approval in God’s sight, as a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly teaches the message of God’s truth”, 2 Timothy 2:15. “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it”, Joshua 1:8.

 To crown it all, Rev. Mother Esther’s leadership style connects directly to the grassroots, everyone has a voice and is free to express it. During the Press Conference, I watched in awe how ordinary members moved freely within the exquisite Church, and they related easily with the Rev. Mother. Their level of happiness was not hidden, as they applauded every gesture by the Clergywoman, chanting words of prayer for her.

One of them even joined Press people in asking her questions during the Question-and-Answer session. She asked, “Ma, what advice do you have for younger ministers who aspire and wish to be like you?”.

The Woman of God easily responded, saying that to go far in the work of God, younger Ministers must strive to be holy, and spread the love of Christ by assisting the needy.

The White Garment Congregation reportedly debuted in Nigeria with the founding of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church in 1925 by a great apostle, Moses Orimolade Tunolase. Twenty-two years later, in 1947, another great Man of God, Samuel Oshoffa established the Celestial Church of Christ. Others have established their versions, but all are easily distinguished by their white apparel which they put on during their sacred times of worship.

 I feel that the White Garment Churches are in a privileged position of encountering God and even making heaven, going by their outfits.

 All year round, these people put on just that white cloth, and sometimes without footwear. This is at a time when some of their contemporaries in other churches sometimes abstain from Church Services simply because they had no new clothes to wear.

They simply want to appear in new clothing every Sunday to show off like others, and when that new clothing is not available, service for that Sunday is canceled. This rare character of Garment Church followers, regarding their dressing, is to me a huge act of righteousness, that should attract a huge reward.

By this action, they are demonstrating that they are totally for God, and equal in the sight of God. No class distinction, the poor, rich, young and old, small and big, are the same and nothing must come between them and their father in heaven.

  White is even a heavenly colour, signifying purity and holiness. They are also portraying that, every one of them is after purity and holiness, which is different from the practice of others, especially from the Orthodox family, where only the clergymen and clergywomen wear white.

 If only, they should model their lifestyle and style of worship and practices according to their dressing, I see nothing stopping any one of them from making heaven.

Once again, I salute the courage of Rev Mother Esther in reforming the White Garment Congregation. The path she is taking so far is commendable and if she continues that way, I see her Church being a powerful and good reference to others. But she should be careful to discern and identify powers from the pit of hell that may rise against her, through criticisms. Of course, she needs to expect that. Christ said that people will surely rise against the believers, as they rose against Him. “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20).

Such elements do not deserve her precious time; rather she should constantly let her vision and mission be renewed by the calling that she had in the beginning, prompting her to embark on the assignment in the first place.

Let me say it again, she is on the right path and posterity will surely be in her favour.

Written by Innocent Onoh (+234-8034158834)

Innocent is an International Journalist, Author, and Publisher.

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